DOSB-Athletenkommission fordert Reaktionen von WADA
Die DOSB-Athletenkommission hat sich in einem Schreiben an die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur WADA gewandt und Reaktionen auf die Aussagen russischer Athleten zum dortigen Doping-Kontroll-System gefordert.

Das Schreiben in englischer Sprache, verfasst vom Vorsitzenden der Athletenkommission Christian Schreiber und seiner Stellvertreterin Silke Kassner, lesen Sie hier:
"We – the German Athletes Commission - address you today in the name of all German athletes referring current coverage on German Television ARD – dealing with Doping-Control-System Russia.
Attentively and with high apprehensiveness we took notice of the coverage’s entire content as well as the continuing media and happenings at IAAF.
Providing first, the commission operates in Anti-Doping Management with national and international authorities day by day. The commissions’ goal and philosophy – as the athletes voice in Germany - is the fight against doping as well as the support on organisational and legal topics within the Anti-Doping Organisation and doping prevention.
Coming from this, the World Anti-Doping Code – especially since 2009 – made athletes challenge their duties in Anti-Doping Management, their daily business and – particularly – the balance between the Code authority in sport and their civil rights in their country. In the past we experienced discussions internally with athletes – on national and international level – regarding the legal acceptance of the WADA Code.
Regarding the German and European Law the discussion between civil rights and sport regulations is hard to defend. The only argument we answer to this is the on-going work for equal treatment for fair and professional high-level sport on international field.
Additionally, German athletes are currently faced up with an upcoming anti-doping law. That means that German public justice will force sanction concerning doping violation in future under consideration for potential imprisonment for athletes in all sports – independent of the amount of dept.
Nevertheless it is important that athletes in general want to realise their duties – as well as their rights – in Anti-Doping Management to be available for unannounced doping controls.
The ARD coverage form December 3rd 2014 had shown too many indications that make German athletes fundamentally doubt trusting on a serious way of the international Anti-Doping authorities to prevent Doping in Sport.
Resulting from this, German athletes – as one national group of the main stakeholders in sport - demand WADA for a better, faster and more transparent result management for the governance, organisation and effectiveness on national anti-doping agencies, national sport federations and national Olympic committees in anti doping management for all countries sending out athletes to international competitions. Furthermore we call for a similar sanction system – comparing the one for athletes which banns from competition - for organisations that are verifiable knowingly avoiding the WADA Code.
Moreover, we want to know WADAs strategic plan to deal with a special situation we are facing with Russia and future questions in that kind which will come up potentially. It is not the athletes aim to blame single sports, IF’s, NADOs or countries, but to retain the vision of fair competition and to protect the clean athletes!
Representing German athletes as a small part of our society we are the main ambassadors for sport and the Olympic idea. Regarding this we support the IOC efforts to refresh the Olympic Games and foster the ambitions of a potential bid in Germany.
We do this with passion and the main objective to be part of a fair sport competition. For that we demand for transparency to all involved parties and us under consideration of all possibilities, technical infrastructure and regulations in sport that make anti-doping management reliable in the 21st century.
The German athletes support the existing anti-doping management to fight against doping and for clean sport. Now it is substantial that WADA sends a strong signal – urgently - that secures the international equal treatment for all athletes, independent what sport or nation - to prevent further damage of the sports reputation."
<media 52969 _blank download "TEXT, WADA final 17122014 3 , WADA_final_17122014__3_.pdf, 285 KB">Das Schreiben der DOSB-Athletenkommission im Original >>></media>
(Quelle: DOSB)